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Contact Us

For inquiries relating to our business, use the form below.

Your inquiry will be forwarded to the appropriate department. Please note that it may take a few days for us to respond.

Please refer to our Privacy Policy regarding the handling of personal information.

Your inquiry

Type of inquiry


Your inquiry

*If inquiring about a product, be sure to include the product name.

Your information

Company name


Your name


 Given name  

Contact phone number

*Some questions may be answered by telephone rather than email.

E-Mail address

*Email addresses from some domains such as yahoo.com are not accepted.

 When we receive an inquiry, a notice of inquiry receipt is automatically sent out by email. If you do not receive the auto-response email, try submitting your inquiry again with a different email address in this field, or make your inquiry by telephone.


If you agree with our Privacy Policy, put a check in the “I agree” box and click on the “Confirm contents” button.