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Ultra-High-Precision Drilling

Ultra-high-precision drilling made possible using a beam rotator and galvano scanner manufactured in-house 

Equipment external view


■ Straight hole drilling
■ Fine drilling with excellent circularity, high degree of freedom
■ Round holes, square holes, holes with special shapes
■ Control over hole diameter, taper at the entry and exit sides
■ Processing position accuracy:<1μm

Target materials

Resin, Ceramic (Silicon nitride / Silicon carbide), Polyimide, SUS, Sapphire substrate, Artificial diamond

Equipment features

Control of the radius of rotation and the angle of incidence with a beam rotator enables a variety of hole shapes

Beam rotator manufactured in-house

Normal tapered
Reverse tapered
Normal tapered
hole (large)
Special tapered


Small-hole drilling

Entry side

Silicon nitride

Thickness 0.25 mm

Hole dia. 20 μm

Pitch 26 μm

Machining speed 1.2 sec/hole

Exit side

Beam entrance

Silicon nitride

Thickness 0.25 mm

Square hole size 20 μm on a side

Pitch 28 μm

Machining speed 1.4 sec/hole

Beam exit

Narrow-pitch hole drilling

Entry side

Super engineering plastic
(PEEK material)

Hole dia. 30 μm

Pitch 38 μm

Exit side

Entry side

Super engineering plastic
(PEEK material)

Square hole size 30 μm on a side

Pitch 38 μm

Exit side

Straight hole drill machining

Cross Section

Super engineering plastic (LCP material)

Thickness 0.4 mm

Hole dia. 250 μm

Pitch 270 μm

Machining speed 3 sec/hole

Cross Section

Super engineering plastic (LCP material)

Hole dia. 15 μm

Pitch 27 μm

Machining speed 1.5 sec/hole

Special tapered hole machining

Cross Section

Cross Section