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Environmental Charter

Environmental Philosophy

Kataoka Corporation shall aim for “coexistence with the earth” and for “a society that is kind to people and the environment,” and shall give maximum consideration to environmental conservation in all aspects of corporate activities.

Activity Policy

Kataoka Corporation shall adopt the following common activity policies among all divisions where the effective use of resources in order to promote conservation of the environment is given the highest priority. Moreover, the company shall promote efforts to mitigate any negative impact on the environment in all aspects of corporate activities.

Provision of Environmentally Friendly Products
To aim for resource and energy conservation/improved performance of products from the design phase.

Production Activities

Pollution Control

To observe related laws and regulations, etc.

Introduction and management of voluntary control of drains, foul odors, and electrical noise, etc.

Implementation of environmental improvements throughout the company.

Protection of Forestry Resources

Improvement of our used paper collection rate.

Improvement in the amount of recycled paper used.

Global Warming Measures (Energy Conservation)
Reduction of energy in each division.
Reduction of the Amount of Waste
Thorough reduction and recycling of waste.
Emission Control of Hazardous Chemicals
Reduction in the amount of hazardous chemicals used (controlled material)
Employee Training/Nurturing

Value of observing our Environmental Philosophy and Environmental Policy.

Recognition of the importance of meeting the requirements of our Environmental Management System.

Activities Contributing to Society

Cooperation with government organizations, etc.

Participation in environmental improvement activities in our neighborhood and surrounding areas.


Auditing system operation.

External (third party) audit implementation.

Environmental Policy

Basic Policy

Kataoka Corporation's activities have the aim of making real the desires for coexistence with the earth and protection of the environment common to all mankind. We give the maximum consideration to environmental conservation in every aspect of our corporate activities, and we promote the importance of ties with the regional community in those activities.

Code of Conduct

To work on evaluating our environmental management system and its performance based on the Environmental Charter of the Kataoka Corporation and to aim for further environmental improvement and prevention of environmental pollution as well as continually work on the improvement of the said activities. To set environmental goals and targets and deploy specific actions in order to achieve this policy.

  1. To reduce any negative impact on the environment from our products.
  2. To reduce the amount of electrical energy used.
  3. To never stop trying to reduce and separately manage emissions and waste, and to work on recycling in order to efficiently use resources.
  4. To observe laws and regulations and other requirements related to the environment and to improve its management.
  5. To aim for further improvement of the awareness of environmental preservation through environmental improvement enlightenment and public relations within the company by providing environmental education.
  6. To conduct internal environmental audits and to strive for continual improvement based on environmental performance evaluations.
  7. To work on keeping Green within the company and to contribute to society through participation in environmental improvement activities in the surrounding region.

—This environmental policy is publicized both internally and externally.—

Green Procurement Policy

We will comply with the laws and regulations of all pertinent countries regarding chemical substances, and will not purchase, use, or store restricted chemicals, including samples and experimental products thereof. Moreover, when purchasing materials, ingredients, and products, we will give priority to those with a smaller environmental impact.

  1. For the purposes of this policy, “those with a smaller environmental impact” refer to the following.
    I. Materials, ingredients, and products that emit less greenhouse gases when used.
    II. Materials, ingredients, and products that are conducive to re-use.
    III. Materials, ingredients, and products that contain no hazardous substances.
  2. We will not make any unnecessary or otherwise wasteful purchase, and, where possible, will tailor purchase volumes to minimize excesses or left-overs (e.g., by ordering according to a minimum purchase volume policy).
  3. We will buy from suppliers who have a green procurement policy. Our green procurement policy validity depends on the corporate set up and culture of the suppliers, and it is therefore desirable that suppliers have ISO14001 certification for their environmental management systems. Alternatively, we will give priority to those suppliers who have the following certifications or whose practices are consistent with these.

    • KES: (Kyoto) Environmental Management System
    • Eco-Action 21
    • Ecostage
  4. In the case of suppliers who are small businesses, we will consider each order carefully and take care to minimize environmental impact. We will also support environmentally-considerate manufacturing and other activities to encourage small-scale suppliers within our supply chain to play a part in green procurement.

In accordance with the policy described above, suppliers must agree to the following conditions.

  • We may ask for details prior to purchase regarding their waste disposal methods to ensure that appropriate methods are in place.
  • Suppliers should package products as simply as possible in order to reduce waste.
  • Suppliers must comply with the Schedule of Substances Banned by Kataoka Corporation, which sets forth the substances which may not be purchased, stored, or used by us.

Please call the Quality Control Division and ask for details:


Environmental Management System


We at Kataoka Corporation are ISO14001 certified and President Suita has formed, and heads, the environmental management system.

Material Balance of Our Business Activities

Between February 2020 and January 2021

  1. Calculated based on the assumption that all of the charging and discharging inspection devices we have delivered to date operated 24 hours a day for 350 days.
  2. Kyoto City government materials for general business waste (incinerated) indicate 14.4% becomes landfill.
  3. Of all waste generated, recyclable paper and other recyclables were 45,566 kg, and 85.6% of the 1,258 kg burnables (equivalent to 1,076 kg) was recycled as heat. The sum of those recycled amounts is listed here as the recycled volume.
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